This mother's day, I added a weeping yaupon holly...
A brief history of my landscape. My husband, who I married a few years ago, has lived in our house for over 20 years and pretty much just mowed the yard. Besides four full-grown pines, one huge Southern Magnolia, a slowly dying cherry tree, and multiple redbuds, the front mainly consisted of azaleas like the ones you see at the Masters. By the way, evergreen azaleas are of Asian descent. Invasive Chinese and Japanese privet sprouted anywhere and everywhere and English ivy and liriope covered the ground.
The backyard had a small plot of grass mixed with weeds, a hill covered in English ivy, and most likely snakes. Again, Chinese and Japanese privet sprouted everywhere. The only natives were the Redbuds, shagbark hickory, and tulip poplars.
I read that ivy hates to be mowed and by god, it worked and managed to rid at least 95% in both the front and back.
After reading we should shoot for having around 75- 80% native plants in the landscape, my addiction began. Now for mother’s day, I prepare the list and go shopping.
sweetbay magnolia

shrubby st. johns wort and nepeta.

I’m going to focus on my entrance garden next time as I’m going outside to remove more azaleas!
Happy Gardening